This past weekend, Kingston played host to the annual 1,000 Island Poker Run. 
Several boats were put in at the boat ramp right outside our apartment. More than one  got their trailers stuck on the ramp. Ha.
Cole was so excited to see so many power boats in one place. He's convinced he would love to own one when he's older. I would rather own a pedal boat....sometimes I wonder if he's mine.
Miss Aqua Doll (pictured below) actually had turbine engines. It sounded like a jet taking off. Can you imagine riding in a boat with turbine engines? The captain has now turned on the fasten seatbelt sign. Thank you.
The Aqua Mania team actually had four girls dressed in the same revealing outfit signing posters for people. It was so very NASCAR.
Now, I'm not a fan of power boats because of their blatant disregard for the environment, but even I have to admit these boats were pretty amazing to behold. The other amazing part about these photos is that they were all taken by my not-so-little man...except for one which was taken by my cutie girl.
For those of you who have no idea what the Thousand Islands are, don't feel bad.  Neither did I before I moved to Kingston.  The St. Lawrence river has thousands, hence the name, of islands exactly like the one pictured above.  They are all different shapes and sizes.  There's even a few man-made islands.  Some are big enough for many homes; others can barely fit one.  One thing is certain though, it's a beautiful area full of rock, trees, and water.  

So far, we have been on two tours of the Thousand Islands this year.  The first we took with my parents while they were visiting the kids and me at the end of June.  We took my dad for Father's Day and had a lovely time despite Cole complaining that the trip was too long.
The second time we went was when Clay's mom and step-dad came to visit us in July.
It rained for the first half hour of the trip, hard enough that we even had to keep the windows closed, but when it finished the sun came out and it was a beautiful day.  The kids enjoyed taking pictures with their cameras and driving the captain's wheel on the top deck.
They even enjoyed each other, which is usually difficult for siblings in a confined space for a long period of time.
My favorite part was seeing all the boats.
I highly recommend the Thousand Islands if you're looking for a breathtaking vacation.  There are many cities along the river that offer day cruises.  There are places to rent boats and a few islands are national parks where you can camp.  There is even a Thousand Island Cruise line if you're looking for something more substantial.  I know we will be visiting them again, hopefully soon.